Assemblée Nationale du Burundi


+257 22 26 70 07/51

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Notre Adresse

Kigobe Palace BP 120 BUJUMBURA

our mission

Giving help to
those who need it

It involes giving money, goods or time and effort to those who need it.
About Us

When people help people change happans

Offering Encouragement

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Promoting positive living

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What We Do

Whatever it is that you care about, there
will be a charity working on it.

Project Complate
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Trusted Global Partners
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24/7 Active Volunteer
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Awards Winning
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Our Cause

Donate to people in need our causes.

From poverty to health, to education, our areas of focus offer the opportunity to dramatically improve the quality of life for billions of people. So we build partnerships that bring together resources, expertise, and vision working with the best organizations around the globe to identify issues, find answers,
and drive change.

Our Features

We’re helping hand on

At Humani, we see firsthand how generous friends like you are changing lives, and the Gift Catalog is a fun way to do exactly that! You can feed a hungry child, give a family a goat, help a community in crisis, and so much more.

Raising awareness

Whatever it is that you care about, there will be a charity working on it.

Relieving poverty

Charities help in lots of different ways, but the main ways are by providing direct help.

Direct help

Charities bring together people who care about a cause so that they can make a difference.

Giving information

People who care about a cause so that they can make a difference it is thay you care about

Help Children

Children need your help
to survice and thrive

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Sélectionnez un moyen de paiement
Informations personnelles

Total du don : $100.00


Loved from customers

Humani loved from thoudsands customer worldwide and get trusted
from big companies.


People prevention
of cruelty


Trustscore on 1,525

“This group of dedicated, hardworking volunteers has all my respect. If only you could see the babies comforted by their efforts. Bless them all!”
John Doe
"I loved working with Humani. They are amazing at what they do. They know how to capture the truth and deliver it in a beautuful way. Thank you so much!"
John Doe
"For my sales opportunities, Humani has let me connect and reconnect on a personal level. These relationships have definitely helped me..."
John Doe
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Unselfish love of one’s fellow men

Charity is the act of giving help to those in need of it. It is a humanitarian act. It involves giving money, good or time and effort to those need it.