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Where We Work.

About RightWay

Humani wins concrete, pro-democracy reforms that break down barriers to participation

To be truly of, by, and for the people, government must reflect everyone it serves. We’re all better off when people from all walks of life participate in self-governance.

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Ethics& Accountability

Money & Influence

Gerrymandering & Representation

Voting & Elections

Humani knows the ultimate power in a democracy is the people.

Organizing for Action

Here you can find your representatives, how to contact them, bills they’ve introduced, committees they serve on, political contributions they’ve received of the American people.

American Election Office

Voters should choose politicians, not the other way around! Together we can return the power to draw districts to We The People. Sign the pledge and learn how you can help.

Organizing for Action

If we want the Senate to better represent us — and actually act in the interest of the American people, not just the powerful few — we must immediately eliminate the filibuster.

Where We Work.

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Nationwide 1.5m member & supporters
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Shifted Power Hundredsof reforms won
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We know the ultimate power in a democracy is the people. We are more than 1 million powerful, fearless, ordinary Americans working together to build a democracy that works for us all.
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